About Us
Our Aim
To provide world class products of merchantable quality only. We strive to provide First Class service timeously.
About Company
- Products sourced from the Farms; pure and in their natural environment.
- Goods are carted into our warehouse near the port .
- Goods are thoroughly cleaned and re-dried in the sun.
- They are bagged weighed and sewn neatly with sewing machines.
- On orders, goods are stuffed into containers and shipped.
- Normal shipping documents are issued and orders are promptly executed (SGS Analysis included).
Our MD
He has tremendous experience in exports and well versed in incoterms and all the nitty gritty of International Trading. He has a Certificate in Int. Trading after a course on this at Cambridge in Jan 1994 (Churchill College), Auspices of GAFTA. His on hand experience spans more than 30 years.
Daniel Attafuah
Need help? Contact me
+233 244 755 487 or [email protected]